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Heat Radiation in Designing Radiators for Battery Packs

The complex realm of simulating heat for battery packs often ignores the crucial role of thermal radiation. In this article, we explore the importance of thermal radiation in radiator design, highlighting its impact and why it warrants careful consideration.

Understanding Thermal Radiation

Unlike common practices in battery pack thermal simulations, thermal radiation, as one of the three heat transfer modes, is consistently present. It plays a crucial role in radiator design due to its dependence on temperature differences.

Characteristics of Thermal Radiation

Thermal radiation exhibits several defining characteristics:

1. Any object with a temperature higher than 0K emits thermal radiation continuously.

2. It can propagate through vacuum and air.

3. Accompanied by the transformation of energy form.

4. Possesses a strong directional quality.

5. The energy of radiation is interconnected with temperature and wavelength.

6. The emission of radiation is contingent on the fourth power of the temperature.

Calculation Formula for Radiation Heat Transfer

The calculation for radiation heat transfer is shown in the formula Q=σ×A×(T1^4−T2^4). Here, Q represents heat transfer, σ is the radiation heat transfer coefficient, A stands for the emission area, while T1 and T2 indicate the emission and receiving temperatures, respectively.

Role of Thermal Radiation in Radiator Design

The importance of thermal radiation in radiator design is frequently overlooked. Reference materials highlight the proportion of heat dissipation, demonstrating the intricate nature of its effects. Grasping the influence of thermal radiation on radiator performance necessitates a thorough analysis of multiple factors.

Factors Influencing Thermal Radiation

Numerous factors affect how thermal radiation influences radiator performance. A concise overview of thermal radiation comes before the in-depth examination of these factors. Thermal radiation, an electromagnetic wave emitted by substances with temperatures above absolute zero, is pivotal in defining the heat dissipation traits of radiators.

Emissivity and Radiation Characteristics

The emissivity of radiator surfaces, which indicates the effectiveness of radiation heat dissipation, is vital. Surfaces with emissivity values ranging from 0 to 1 are commonly used to measure heat dissipation in comparison to a black body. Typical radiator materials and surface treatments exhibit different emissivity values, offering insight into their heat dissipation effects.

Radiation Exchange in Radiators

Radiation exchange in radiators includes multiple surfaces interacting with each other and the surrounding shell. Equation 1 simplifies this interaction for a single surface, but the complexity grows for radiators made up of multiple surfaces. Detailed equations and calculations, as seen in plate-wing radiator scenarios, offer a deeper insight into radiation heat transfer.

Comparing Radiation and Convection

Radiators release heat through two main methods: radiation and convection. The convection heat dissipation formula shows the connection between heat dissipation and temperature variances. Contrasting radiation with convection highlights the importance of temperature in radiation, where heat rises to the fourth power.

The Real-World Implications

In practical terms, the significance of factoring in thermal radiation in radiator design becomes clear. For example, in forced convection scenarios, where radiators are frequently employed, a detailed understanding of radiation’s influence can be crucial for maximizing performance. Moreover, natural convection radiators, which often operate at lower temperatures, illustrate the significant role of radiation in overall heat dissipation.


In summary, the article highlights the crucial role of thermal radiation in designing radiators for battery packs. Often underestimated, thermal radiation notably impacts heat dissipation in radiators, particularly in cases of natural convection. Acknowledging its significance enables the creation of more precise radiator designs that meet strict requirements and improve overall product performance.

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